What I’m Grateful for in 2022

Two years ago, before Thanksgiving, I made a list of 20 things I was grateful for that were specific to that year—because it was that year. The practice stuck—not because every year since has been kind of heartbreaking—because refining nearly a whole year to a set number of concepts forces me to take an accurate inventory of my life. I make note of not only what happened but why it mattered. And why it mattered this year

2022 at a glance

This year, honestly, has been very exciting for me. I didn’t notice that much in my day-to-day life, but when I see everything together in a list, I realize I haven’t been grateful enough. 

2022 has treated me kindly. I made a few big life changes and reached personal milestones, all while feeling generally positive and hopeful. The world outside my neighborhood, work, and social circle does upset and frustrate me; unfortunately, my outlook is less cheery there. However, I do believe I have connections to the people and resources I need to navigate whatever is looming and, hopefully, help some others along the way.

What I’m grateful for in 2022

Here are 10 things from my list of 22 things I am grateful for specific to 2022. I know many of these things will continue to have a positive impact in the years ahead.

My new (old) home

At the beginning of this year, I moved out of my apartment-like condo and moved in with my partner—into a late 19th-century, Philadelphia-style row house. It’s quaint and cozy (despite being much larger than my condo), and I’m eager to learn about its history. Plus, living with my partner makes every day better, and I enjoy working together on home projects.

My cat on our third floor

Living in a small, historic city

I live in a small city where all my leisure activities are less than 10 minutes from my house—restaurants (dine-in and takeout), shops and small businesses, a brewery, a library, and a scenic river walk. The city has a lot of community events, too. I’ve never lived somewhere I liked and cared about so much.

A hybrid work schedule

I’m not sure how I ever worked in person five days a week. Having some time in the physical workplace prevents me from languishing and feeling isolated, and having some work time at home is excellent for my mental health. I have a better work life and a better home life because of my hybrid schedule. 

Having access to library systems

The previous town I lived in didn’t have an associated library, so I had a “works in town” library card in the city I work in. I got a library card from my new city, so now, I’m a patron of more than one library system. I support both, and the expanded access is helpful when I’m searching for audiobooks for my commute!

My partner retired

My partner retired during the first half of the year, and I’ve almost forgotten what it was like when he was working. I know he is much happier in retirement, and it’s given him time to focus on our home and relationship. He is the “gardener” right now, making my weekdays easier as I figure out my career and navigate my writing life. He makes a delicious chicken in mushroom sauce dish, too.

The 2022 Virtual Childfree Convention

I was a public relations volunteer for the 2022 Virtual Childfree Convention, so I got to use my writing passion and professional skills to contribute to something I care about—bringing awareness to the childfree lifestyle. I learned a lot (behind the scenes and during the convention), and I’m looking forward to more experiences with Childfree Media

Two vacations to cool cities

Since my partner and I are no longer teachers, our vacations aren’t limited to typical school year breaks. We traveled to Pittsburgh, PA in early June and Salem, MA and Portland, ME in mid-October. These are all places I would return to if I had the opportunity, and we had fulfilling trips.

Randyland in Pittsburgh, PA

My spin studio

I’ve never had success with the gym or fitness classes; I get bored or give up. But I started spin in July, and now, it’s one of my favorite activities. I know I’m stronger, too! I look forward to time to focus on taking care of myself, and the community is positive and encouraging. My studio is woman-owned and Black-owned, so I gladly put my money there.  

The Dancing Is Forbidden podcast

I love Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I was a devoted fan in the aughts, and the show’s been one of my comforts ever since. I wasn’t sure who still cared about ATHF or how many people still cared about ATHF until I found the Dancing Is Forbidden podcast. I’ve gotten shout-outs (and a giveaway win!) from the host, and I’m looking forward to getting more involved in the community.   

No pressure on my life timeline

I turned 35 this year and realized all the things I once thought I “needed” to accomplish by this age don’t align with the life I want. Because I’m childfree, I don’t feel pressure to get anything done within a particular time frame, and I don’t feel stuck when I’m in situations that don’t suit me (like a good job I don’t like). I’m just letting my life journey unfold as I live a life I enjoy.  

The year isn’t over, so I know there are more moments and experiences to be grateful for. However you’re spending this upcoming week, I hope you have time to find some things about 2022 that are worth celebrating. If you’re in the US, enjoy your Thanksgiving!

What did 2022 give you that you’re grateful for?

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